Monday, April 6, 2009

Notes From the Line-Up

Anyone who has ever surfed knows that about 95% of the time you are on the water is spent either paddling to get to the waves or waiting for waves to come. So when Diva and I spend on average 2-3 hours a day "surfing," it gives us a lot of time to ponder some of the big questions in life, to invent new ideas, and to come up with a variety of hilarious anecdotes.

Lucky for us -and YOU dear reader- we now have a blog to share all of these deep, meaningful and down right witty experiences we share while waiting in the line-up.

So today's NOTE FROM THE LINE-UP is an insight on surfing: First you get the airs on the waves, and then you get the guys, and theeeen you get the money. And so the circle of life continues.

Think about it.

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