Tuesday, March 31, 2009

We Love Fat Freddy and Everything He Drops!

Heyo to all of our readers out there!

Last night Diva and I went to check out Kiwi dub/reggae/jazz band Fat Freddy's Drop at The Great Northern. Neither of us had seen them before- and if I'm honest, I had never listened to them until I saw a poster advertising their show, thought it looked cool and decided on the spot to go to the concert no matter what.

The band was unreal. They had seven people on stage playing trumpet, trombone, bass, drums and mixed vocals.  The vibe was super chill and both the audience and the band were grooving to the freestyling jams coming from the stage. The show went on for three hours and I don't think I stopped dancing once. Diva got some great shots of the band and not even the torrential downpour that greeted us on exiting could kill the sweet buzz we had going on from show. I would def recommend checking them out online or live if they are coming to a town near you. It is worth it!

Here's a link to their myspace account and their homepage. I recommend listening to them with a scented candle burning, the lights on low, and whatever type of substance you find helps you to chill on hand- enjoy!



Monday, March 30, 2009


So here it is, the first Miami High Post. Ever!

Basically, this is were we get to write all the fun/crazy/interesting/silly stuff that goes down around us. A little supplement if you will to www.miamihighcollective.com which is our online magazine baby who is about to be born. 

In the mean time, enjoy our little intro video and keep check back cause who knows what's going to happen to tomorrow!

Diva and Laurie